He Bends Down

"Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath." - Psalm 116:2

If you weren’t aware already, I love kids. Like really, REALLY love kids. Like would- gladly-have-100 type of love kids. Always have... kids are way better than adults but that’s for another time! Haha! Anyway, when I was younger I would always go to these “babysitting classes” and pretty much just anything I could do to learn more about one of the things I am most passionate about in this world... babies. 

One of the things I learned about speaking to children, is how important it is to get on their level when you speak to them, particularly when comforting them or correcting them. 

That brings me to this verse. Because He BENDS DOWN to listen. I think sometimes we just skim right over some of the most beautifully profound parts of the Bible. 

He. Bends. Down. 

He doesn’t just listen, although that’s beautiful and incredible in and of itself. He bends down. He gets down on our level. He gets eye level with us so we can feel the comfort of a loving Father. He goes the extra mile time and time again. 

He isn’t a far away God waiting to strike you when you mess up. He isn’t giving up on you the way you might be giving up on yourself. He hasn’t turned His back and walked away, like maybe you’ve seen time and time again in earthly relationships. He bends down, gets on your level, puts Himself right in the middle of your pain and chaos. He doesn’t ignore you, He doesn’t tell you it’s no big deal and get over it. He bends down, and He listens. 

Today might not be your best day. I don’t know where you are in your life but maybe you’re hurting. I hope those words comfort you the same way that they comfort me. My prayer for you is that instead of running away from Him, you’ll run to Him. 

He’s ready to bend down, pick you up from the mess you’re in, and hear all about it. 

Lots of love - 



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