The Storm

Have you ever had a fear that basically makes no sense? A completely illogical fear….or maybe the fear makes sense, but your reaction is what is illogical? 

That was me growing up…. with many things, especially THUNDERSTORMS. 

I didn’t just get scared and hide under the blanket like you see in the movies… I would enter into a full fledged panic attack - which wasn’t uncommon for me - panic and anxiety are still areas the enemy tries to use. It didn’t matter if the storm was particularly “scary” or just a regular thunderstorm… I would freak. We have lots of funny stories in my family about my thunderstorm fear… haha!

The one person that could calm me down was my Dad. Even to this day when there’s a storm that starts to induce anxiety… I call my parents and always have to talk to my Dad. His voice brings me back to all of the other storms he and I have sat through together… and it reminds me that I’m okay. 

My Dad’s presence doesn’t mean it won’t storm. 

It just reminds me that it's gonna be okay and He will protect me. 

The same rings true with our Heavenly Father. Jesus guarantees us in the Bible that we WILL face trials of MANY kinds (John 16:33) but He also reminds us to take heart, because He has overcome the world. 

It WILL storm but He won’t leave.

It WILL storm but all we have to do is call and He is there.

It WILL storm but He’s got our back. 

Just like your boy Peter. Ya know, from the Bible. In Matthew 14, there is the story many of us know about Jesus walking on water. Peter says “Lord if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water” so Jesus said “Come.”

So Peter gets out of the boat and starts walking toward Jesus…. but the Bible tells us that when he saw the wind he was afraid and began to sink. 

What does this tell us? When his eyes were on Jesus, he saw a miracle happen. He walked on water! It’s only when he focused on the fear that he began to sink. 

I love what it says here in verse 31, after Peter began to sink: “Immediately, Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. ‘You of little faith,’ He said, ‘why did you doubt?’

I love that even though Peter doubted, Jesus didn’t just walk away. Even though Peter was scared of the wind, Jesus still took his hand. Even though Peter lacked faith in that moment, Jesus didn’t just give up on him. He took his hand. It tells us that when they got in the boat, the wind died down. Jesus got him to safety. He didn’t have to, but it’s who He is. 

No matter what your storm looks like, keep your eyes on Him. Remember that it is okay to have doubts, just take them to Jesus. 

He can handle your doubt. 

He can handle your storm. 

He can calm the winds. 

He is trustworthy. 

Praying for everyone who reads this! 

This too shall pass and the best is yet to come -



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