The Lie
“You’re the only one.” Ever heard that one before? You’re just trudging along through life, when suddenly it happens - the enemy tries to convince you that you’re the only one being “ignored” by God. You look around and everyone else is living your dream and you’re still waiting for it to come to fruition. YOU’RE. THE. ONLY. ONE. You’re the only one God doesn’t love. You’re the only one struggling to get pregnant. You’re the only one God isn’t listening to. You’re the only one hurting. You’re the only one financially struggling. You’re the only one depressed. You’re the only one who isn’t living a perfect life. You’re the only one facing this trial. You’re. The. Only. One. The enemy loves to isolate us. He loves to turn us against God and make us so jealous of those around us that we refuse any sign of a friendship. He loves to lie to us about who we are, who God is, and what God thinks about us. The enemy know...